When you get your feet under yourself as a photographer it's easy to think you're done learning. But besides the glitz and glamour of keeping up with the constantly changing technology, there's also a VAST well of knowledge to be learned from other working pros. Recently I heard someone advocate for actors-turned-directors due to the fact that they have seen and worked with so many different types of people that they experience what works and what doesn't when running a set. I feel the same way about photography! Why wouldn't you do your research and learn from people who are willing to share? If you’ve only ever shot by yourself there’s so much you’re missing out on!
I always take advantage of the opportunity to assist on other shoots if I enjoy the photographer's style, because even though I might be able to guess how they make their magic, there's no way to know without being there. And oddly enough, there is a sweet satisfaction in having your suspicions confirmed, or your mind blown by how they use their skills! And it goes without saying, if you decide to take my advice, curb your pride when on someone else's set. They're the one bearing the brunt of the responsibility so your job is to support them!
A long time ago…no wait, that’s not the way to start this. I’ll let you in on a not-so-secret tidbit about myself. I’m a big nerd. I might play it cool, but if the conversation turns to old movies, random facts about Willow, or professional wrestling, you will witness my inner geek let loose.
Out of all things, I’ve never considered myself to be a photography nerd. To be fair, I didn’t study photography. I didn’t go to college for Fine Arts, and I’ve never used a darkroom before (though I love shooting analog and it is one of my goals to learn how to develop my own film!). My knowledge and appreciation of the art form is purely instinctual and hands on. I have been lucky to learn from very talented people on set as both an actor/model and then as a photographer’s assistant. I like to think this makes my take on things unique, especially when it comes to directing people. Modeling is hard work! Styling and building sets requires talent and dedication! I LOVE a creative team and a bustling set.
Going forward, I’ll be sharing more of these little tidbits as well as behind the scenes from shoots and travels and I hope you’ll stop by. Feel free to ask questions, leave comments, or anything else and I look forward to hearing from you!
À bien tôt!
Standing in for a lighting test
Shot by Natalie Walsh
Shot by Carey MacArthur
Behind the Scenes with Michael Horse
Behind the Scenes of Lord Huron music video that was never released!